Filo 131223

Note from the Editor

Welcome to the new year and issue 134! 2024 has arrived and with it, the doors open to new beginnings and exciting challenges. The ENTREMUNDOS team would like to take this space and moment to wish you a good life, both individually and collectively.

It is time to look forward with hope and determination. This year we have goals to accomplish and dreams to achieve. We hope that it will be better than the previous one, full of opportunities and achievements, but above all, that as a country we will continue in the struggle for the defense of a dignified life; with full and respected rights, without the need to demand what is rightfully ours.

We want this community to continue to flourish, attracting more readers, writers and volunteers committed to our causes. Together, we can achieve great things and make the world a better place. We must remember that it is important that every goal requires time, effort, and dedication. It does not matter how big or small it is; the important thing is to work on it consistently and with determination, as well as the defense of Human Rights.

As for our community, we have shared goals that unite us, such as the defense of life and liberty, fight for equity, inclusion, and justice. In the individuality, whatever you do and wish to contribute to important causes, may your contribution be valuable. We do it through this space.

For this first edition of the year, we addressed the respect for life, but not only that of the human being, but of all that inhabits the world, of all that we depend on to survive. We reflect on nature, the diversity and importance of our natural resources, food sovereignty, which is vital for our coexistence, the defense of freedom which implies fighting against oppression and unjust restrictions, culture, and community tourism issues. Diverse and valuable topics of those who write.

May the next pages be a contribution to analyze the current situation of the country, may we understand a little more about the days to come and what we can do as responsible citizens with social conscience and defenders of Human Rights.

Here is to more moments to share and that together we continue to be a more empathetic and inclusive society.