María José Longo It was a Saturday morning, in the Central Park of Quetzaltenango there was a lot of garbage,..
Visiting Palajunoj Valley ande the Municipal Dump in Xela By Ursula and Tanel In our table at the restaurant, we..
My name is María José Longo Bautista. Starting in May I will be coordinating EntreMundos Magazine, which is a reason..
By Rodrigo Sac Amaya Conservatism, machismo, and religion can negatively influence access to proper sexual education and lead to inaccurate..
Observing the variety of framed EntreMundos cover pages hung on the walls of our organization’s headquarters makes me feel nostalgic..
María José Longo On the morning of March 8, a group of women walked 2.5 km from Quetzaltenango’s central park..
by Eunice Ramírez Cotóm Being an adult in this country is difficult because the state offers few guarantees of the..
By Alejandra Teleguario When I was 8, mom, dad and I had “the talk” about menstruation, body changes, human reproduction,..
By María Recinos In Guatemala, obesity is a public health problem that has increased in recent years. According to the..
By Karen Tay Volunteering is an activity that has been increasing in Guatemala, especially among young people, but it is..